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[2409.12618] Iteration of Thought: Leveraging Inner Dialogue for Autonomous Large Language Model Reasoning

Iteration of Thought: A Deep Dive into Enhancing LLM Reasoning

The paper "Iteration of Thought: Leveraging Inner Dialogue for Autonomous Large Language Model Reasoning" ( introduces a novel framework called Iteration of Thought (IoT). IoT aims to improve the reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) by mimicking the iterative and adaptable nature of human-LLM interactions. Unlike traditional prompting methods, IoT allows the model to dynamically adjust its reasoning based on feedback and context.

The Challenge: LLMs and the Struggle with Reasoning

While LLMs excel in natural language processing, they often struggle with complex reasoning tasks. For instance, an LLM might fail to solve a challenging math word problem due to its inability to fully grasp the underlying logic or keep track of multiple pieces of information.

To address this, researchers have developed prompting methods like Chain-of-Thought (CoT) [1] and Tree-of-Thought (ToT) [2]. CoT encourages LLMs to express their reasoning steps linearly, while ToT explores multiple reasoning paths concurrently. However, both methods suffer from limitations. CoT lacks flexibility, getting stuck with its initial reasoning path if the LLM makes a mistake or requires additional information. ToT, while helpful for some tasks, can be computationally expensive and inefficient, especially for complex problems demanding a specific line of reasoning.

The Solution: Iteration of Thought (IoT)

IoT offers a dynamic and adaptive solution by introducing an Inner Dialogue Agent (IDA). The IDA acts as a "guide" for the LLM, generating context-sensitive prompts based on the user query and the LLM's previous responses. This allows the LLM to refine its answer iteratively.

Here's an example:

  1. Initial Response: You ask the LLM "What is the capital of France?" The LLM might respond "Paris" but then add "I'm not sure, I need more information."
  2. Inner Dialogue: The IDA observes the LLM's response and the original question. Recognizing the LLM's uncertainty, it generates a prompt like "Think about the countries in Europe. Which one is known for its Eiffel Tower?"
  3. Iterative Refinement: The LLM processes the IDA's prompt and, using its knowledge base, refines its answer to "Paris is the capital of France."

This iterative process continues until the LLM produces a satisfactory answer or a maximum number of iterations is reached.

The Benefits of IoT

  • Adaptive Reasoning: IoT empowers the LLM to dynamically adjust its reasoning path based on the evolving context of the conversation. In our example, the IDA's prompt helped the LLM focus on relevant information about Europe and the Eiffel Tower.
  • Efficient Exploration: IoT refines the LLM's response through targeted prompts, minimizing the need to generate and discard multiple alternative solutions as seen in ToT. This makes the process more efficient, especially for complex tasks where the correct path is not immediately obvious.
  • Autonomous Reasoning: The framework can operate autonomously, without human intervention, making it suitable for tasks requiring rapid decision-making or where human oversight is limited. Imagine a self-driving car that uses IoT to navigate complex traffic situations without relying on human input.

Variants of IoT

The paper presents two variants of the IoT framework:

  • Autonomous Iteration of Thought (AIoT): The LLM itself determines when to stop iterating, based on its confidence in the final response. This approach is efficient but risks premature termination, especially for complex queries.
  • Guided Iteration of Thought (GIoT): The number of iterations is fixed, ensuring comprehensive exploration of reasoning paths. This approach can be more computationally expensive but minimizes the risk of premature convergence.

Think of AIoT like a student who's confident in their answer and doesn't need to double-check. GIoT is like a student who always goes through all the steps to ensure they've covered everything.

Experimental Validation

The paper thoroughly evaluates IoT's performance on various tasks, including:

  • GPQA (General Purpose Question Answering): AIoT significantly outperforms CoT and GIoT, demonstrating its ability to efficiently navigate complex reasoning paths. The GPQA Diamond dataset [6] is known to require deep reasoning and comprehensive internal knowledge, with even the highly capable LLMs yielding overall scores under 50% (Dubey et al., 2024). The authors use GPT-4o mini, a proprietary model, for their GPQA experiments. The results show that AIoT completes approximately 60% of tasks within a single iteration and approximately 90% within two iterations, reflecting its efficiency.
  • Game of 24: GIoT outperforms AIoT, CoT, and the baseline Input-Output (IO) method, indicating its effectiveness in exploring multiple solution paths for explorative problem-solving. This task involves generating an arithmetic expression using four given numbers and basic operations and brackets to arrive at the number 24. [3]
  • Mini Crosswords: GIoT again surpasses other methods, showcasing its strengths in tasks requiring pattern recognition and word generation. This task involves solving 5x5 crossword grids based on a set of clues. [3]
  • HotpotQA-Hard: AIoT achieves remarkable results, surpassing CoT and even the AgentLite framework [4] in multi-hop question answering, highlighting its ability to synthesize information from multiple contexts. This task requires models to synthesize information across multiple documents, demanding sophisticated aggregate reasoning. The paper highlights how the AgentLite framework, built on a hierarchical multi-agent orchestration technique, also demonstrates the importance of multi-agent systems for improving reasoning capabilities. [4]

These results suggest that IoT is a promising approach for improving LLM reasoning in a variety of tasks.

Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Explainability: IoT provides a clear trace of its reasoning process, making it easier to understand how the LLM arrives at its conclusions. This is crucial for building trust in AI systems and understanding their limitations.
  • Flexibility: The framework can be combined with other reasoning methods, such as CoT, to further enhance its capabilities.
  • Scalability: IoT can be extended to include multiple Inner Dialogue Agents, potentially improving its reasoning performance. Imagine a team of IDAs working together to guide the LLM through increasingly complex tasks.
  • Autonomy: IoT's autonomous nature makes it suitable for applications where human intervention is impractical.


  • Potential for Hallucination: The iterative nature of IoT can lead to hallucination, especially with GIoT where forced iterations can lead to confidently incorrect reasoning. It's like a student who gets so caught up in their own thought process that they start making up information.
  • Premature Convergence: AIoT may prematurely terminate iterations, potentially resulting in incomplete or inaccurate answers. This is like a student who gives up too soon before thoroughly considering all the possibilities.

Conclusion and Future Directions

The Iteration of Thought framework offers a promising approach to enhancing LLM reasoning by leveraging inner dialogue and dynamic prompting. It demonstrates significant improvements over traditional methods in various complex reasoning tasks. Future work could focus on:

  • Improving robustness: Investigating methods to mitigate hallucination and improve the accuracy of AIoT's termination criteria.
  • Expanding the IDA: Exploring the use of multiple Inner Dialogue Agents or specialized language models for the IDA to further enhance reasoning capabilities.
  • Integrating external knowledge: Exploring ways to incorporate external knowledge sources or feedback mechanisms to improve the accuracy and completeness of LLM responses.

By addressing these challenges, the IoT framework has the potential to become a powerful tool for building more intelligent and reliable LLM-based systems.


[1] Wei, Jason, et al. "Chain of thought prompting elicits reasoning in large language models." arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.11903 (2022). [2] Yao, Xinyu, et al. "Tree of Thoughts: Deliberate and Iterative Reasoning in Large Language Models." arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.06283 (2024). [3] Liu, Yuxiao, et al. "AgentLite: Towards Efficient and Scalable Multi-Agent Systems for Large Language Models." arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.13666 (2024). [4] Rein, Stefan, et al. "GPQA: A General Purpose Question Answering Dataset for Evaluating Reasoning Abilities of Large Language Models." arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.16748 (2023).

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